Conversion tool

International transport means the use of different measurement units.
Find below some of them to help you and ease your calculation.

Units of weight

1g 0,0353 ounces
1 kg 2,2046 pounds
1 ounce 28,3495 g
1 pound 0,4536 kg
1 long ton 1.016 metric ton
1 metric ton 0.9842 long ton

Units of length

1 km 0,6214 miles
1 m 1,0936 yards or 3,2808 feet
1 cm 0,3937 inches
1 mile 1,6093 km
1 yard 0,9144 m
1 foot 0,3048 m
1 inch 2,5400 cm

Units of volume

1 m³ 1,3079 yard³ or 35,3156 foot³
1 cm³ 0,0610 inch³
1 yard³ 0,7646 m³
1 foot³ 0,0283 m³
1 inch³ 16,387 cm³
TEU (Twenty equivalent unit) Container equivalent to a 20 feet

Units of surface area

1 m² 1,1960 yard² or 10,7639 foot²
1 cm² 0,1550 inch²
1 yard² 0,8361 m²
1 foot² 0,0929 m²
1 inch² 6,452 cm²
